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Music for Advertising

Creative Innovation 2016 -  Campaign Video

The composition for the campaign video was based on celebrating our evolving world, and encouraging creativity in different areas of society (business, environment, education, etc..). Repetitive piano, joyful strings and colourful bells. As a story: foundations/challenges = slower tempo; creating new ideas, like rising buildings = faster tempo.

Key: Db Major

Apple TV - The Future of Television

Key: C Major

The theme of the Apple TV commercial jingle is based on “Feel Like At Home”. Perception of convenience and enjoyment. Focusing on the coloured tiles (SMPTE channel bars) suggesting Apple TV can be a replacement to traditional tv. Country-style music like on a relaxing, sunny day at home. Simple key. Bells synchronised to the coloured tiles and clicking buttons.

Cadbury Dairy Milk and Oreo – Two Best Friends

Combined the styles of country, pop, and ballad together. Country - inspired by When She Loved Me (Toy Story 2); Pop - Memorable/Catchy melody; Ballad - Emotional, yet further strengthen the bond between the two product characters. Melody and dynamics: Soft at the beginning with just the piano (like ice flakes bells), lonely but hopeful. Doing fun activities together, more instruments, and increasing dynamics and tempo. Orchestra reference to Sydney Opera House. Emotional ending, with just the piano.

Key: D Major

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